When he was invited to join Hiraya, Aaron immediately asked himself- if Maestro Amorsolo were still alive, would they have anything in common? Would they have a shared interest other than art? After studying through his many masterpieces, Aaron found “By the Beach”, “Boat by the beach” and “Sailing boat”. These works resonated well with Aaron as Amorsolo displayed his love for seascapes and seaside living. This prompted A to begin his creative process.
He envisioned to develop 3 pieces. Each telling a different story but collectively, portraying the beauty of looking beyond the horizon. The styles he used were a mix of abstract and figurative expressionism to depict natural land elements and the sea. As one looks intently on each piece will give the viewer a feeling of calm and hopefulness
2 x 3 feet
Mixed Media Art
By Aaron Virata Mempin